Habits of Hope: Wednesday
Wednesday March 3, 2021
Created by Fr. Devin Rodgers

Acts 17:28 (NIV)
“‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”
Each Easter my parents always made sure to include a small spiritual gift in my Easter basket — Crosses, WWJD bracelets, prayer books, those sorts of gifts. They did this to make sure my brothers and I knew that Easter was not about obtaining mass quantities of chocolate or winning the Easter egg hunt.
One year for Easter, I received a “name card.” This simple card had my first name,
written across the top of it. Underneath it was the meaning and origins of the name: “Devin”- Gaelic origin meaning poet. It also included the Bible verse associated with my name, which you see above.
I’ve carried both this meaning and scripture passage with me throughout my life and faith journey. It has provided me with hope over the years.
Life is not about accumulating the most “goodies” or being the winner. Christ freed us from this. Jesus calls us to roles more beautiful and meaningful.
We all share the role of the poet.
Poets inspire others, and through their craft move people to transcendence. We can each do this through our words and actions. We have the opportunity to give others beautiful glimpses into a holy, unending life shared with God. When we do this, the truth becomes clearer for others, for ourselves and God’s kingdom is revealed.
We are all God’s beloved children.
Good and gracious God, help us to find hope in this weary season. Amen.