Hope on the Outside: Friday
Friday March 26, 2021
Created by Jaime Ulrich

Psalm 9:9 (NIV)
“The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.”
The issue of oppression and discrimination within our world should come as no surprise. Within the context of our American society in particular, various groups face marginalization and oppression simply because of their race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, language of origin, religion, and other intersecting burdens.
The great poet Maya Angelou (1928–2014) has a famous poem called “Still I Rise.” Throughout the poem, Angelou remarks on the challenges she has faced and oppression she has experienced throughout her life as an African American woman. She writes:
“You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
As Angelou points out, there is a hope of rising for those who are oppressed. Within the context of Christianity, hope for the marginalized resounds throughout the pages of Scripture. Consider, for example, the words of the psalmist from Psalm 9: “The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” Our God brings justice for the oppressed and comfort to those who are marginalized. Despite society’s hatefulness, there is hope for the oppressed through the refuge of God.
Good and gracious God, help us to find hope in this weary season. Amen.