Hope on the Outside: Tuesday
Tuesday March 30, 2021
Created by Lauren Cubberley

Psalm 118:24 (NIV)
“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.”
Three summers ago, I had the privilege of traveling to Haiti to participate in a summer camp. This summer camp partners with Haitians to put on “The Best Camp Ever” for children in the city of Jacmel. When I arrived in Haiti, I was struck by how it looked: the houses were falling apart; the streets were dirty; and the smells were unpleasant. However, the minute I met the people of Haiti, I was welcomed with kindness and love. My week with twelve eight-year-olds filled me with so much joy. But I didn’t quite understand how I, let alone Haitians, could feel so much happiness living in a country that is looked down on from everyone on the outside and that is crumbling from within.
Everyday, we sang “Sa Se Yon Jou,” or “This is the Day.” In Haiti, I received the message from the beautiful people there that today is all we are promised. Haiti showed me warmth, in both the 100-degree heat and the people. Haiti showed me that it is so much more than what outsiders give it credit for. Haiti showed me that I need to live for today. I think what Haiti told me in that week is what Jesus tries to tell us everyday. The hope is that even though we may be falling apart, we have today. This is the day, now go and rejoice in it.
Good and gracious God, help us to find hope in this weary season. Amen.