Resurrecting Hope
Sunday April 4, 2021
Created by Pastor Drew Tucker

Luke 24:5b-6a (NIV)
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!”
Christ is Risen! Hope is alive.
Looking for hope in a weary season can often feel like we’re looking for the living amongst the dead. But as we’ve seen together through this Lenten journey, the weariness of the season is not the only thing that defines our lives. There are places of creation that give hope new life among us. There is vibrancy amidst creation that reminds us that hope thrives differently when our patterns change. There are heroes of hope whose stories inspire us throughout the ages. There are habits that help to establish hope within us even when it feels like all hope is lost. And even amidst what feels like hopelessness, we see that hope remains within the word, and within the world, even if we can’t perceive it all the time.
Perhaps it’s a very fitting thing this year to look for the living among the dead. After all, this was the place that it made sense for Jesus’s followers to seek him after a crucifixion. But as other gospel writers remind us, Jesus was indeed living among the dead. His resurrection appeared first in the graveyard. So, too, hope is most powerfully born amidst those places where hope seems absent.
On this blessed Easter Day, may you find hope where you need it most, wherever you are on the journey, for Christ is with you, alive and well despite the worst intents of human vengeance. Instead, divine life once again persevered, love won, and hope was reborn this Sunday morn.
Christ is risen indeed! Hope is alive, in word and in deed.
Good and gracious God, help us to find hope in this weary season. Amen.